A weeks work in seconds: Saving time, improving quality in gas analysis on landfill and brownfield sites

The benefits of continuous ground-gas monitoring have been given significant recognition within the contaminated land industry due to the publication of a recent technical bulletin compiled by CL:AIRE (Contaminated Land: Applications in Real Environments.)

The paper entitled “The Utility of Continuous Monitoring in Detection and Prediction of “Worst Case” Ground-Gas Concentration” demonstrates how collecting continuous data can improve current site investigation methods. It also reveals how more sophisticated methods, without the need for additional resource efforts can be adopted, and introduces new analytical tools which allows for more appropriate risk assessment.

The Ion Science (UK) GasClam is the only ground-gas monitor on the market to continuously measure VOC’s, CH4, CO2, O2, H2S, CO, atmospheric & borehole pressures, temperature and water level which perfectly meets the requirements discussed within the CL:AIRE Research Bulletin.

Topics of the CL:AIRE Research Bulletin includes “Detecting and predicting ’worst-case’ conditions and “Processes controlling gas production and migration”. To download your copy visit www.ionscience.com/gasclam/downloads

CL:AIRE is an independent not-for-profit organisation established to stimulate the regeneration of contaminated land in the UK by raising awareness of, and confidence in, practical sustainable remediation technologies. For more information visit www.claire.co.uk

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