A1-Envirosciences Relocates to Wirral

Gasmet Technologies is proud to introduce Gasmet Extended Reference Library, which contains 5224 infrared spectra of different compounds. It´s especially useful in situations where unknown compounds need to be rapidly identified from a sample measured with Gasmet™ DX4030 FTIR Gas Analyzer.

Gasmetâ„¢ Extended Reference Library is available optionally and can be accessed in CalcmetTM 4030 Std or Pro software. All search functions of Calcmetâ„¢ 4030 software can be used together with the Extended Reference Library spectra in order to identify unknown peaks from the sample gas.

Typical Application Areas:

  • Emergency First Response – Detection of Toxic organic and inorganic compounds
  • Industrial Hygiene – Workplace Air Quality measurements of VOC´s
  • Cargo Containers – Detection of residual fumigants

For more information, please visit www.gasmet.fi or email contact@gasmet.fi

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