All Calibration Gas and Specialty Gas Needs from One Source

Alphasense (UK), an independent gas sensor technology company, has been working with Owlstone to apply their Advection Diffusion Spectrometry (ADS) technology for chemical detection, on a new development based on the Alphasense PID modules giving enhanced selectivity through the use of the Ion Mobility Spectroscopy (IMS) – ADS technology.

Utilising existing PID technology and linked to a sensor module that has been produced featuring a chip, fan for gas sampling, the micro-controller with associated electronics uses UV as the preferred ionisation source. The sensor module/chip, has embedded firmware, is mounted to a rigid circuit board as part of the newly developed Owlstone IMS-ADS module.

Gas flow through the chip must be regulated and at least two signals will be output (peak height and peak width), a third signal (kurtosis) is possible but will require additional work to the sub-module. Signal outputs could be analogue, PWM or serial. End-users will have no need to see raw spectra, as all processing will be performed on-board.

Arthur W Burnley, Sales and Marketing Director for Alphasense, stated, “Successful development of this new sensor technology will open a range of exciting commercial opportunities for Alphasense. We are very happy to be working with Owlstone in what will prove to be a mutually rewarding partnership, and we are anticipating that this device will be available for sale in Q3 of 2011. Alphasense is a centre of excellence for gas sensor technology and the PID-Plus is just one of several new and exciting product introductions planned for 2011. Further developments from Alphasense include expansion of our existing NDIR, Catalytic and Electro-Chemical sensors (measuring as low as 10ppb) plus the addition of Mixed Metal Oxide sensors and more.”

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