Tired of managing your gas supplies?
CryoService have recently launched the innovative Teresvia gas management software package, which is free to all CryoService customers. This unique system allows you real-time access to critical information about your gas supply including:
General account information, with the ability to link sites into a single hierarchy for greater inventory management control; Cylinder inventory information, including data such as cylinder size, serial number; cylinder contents and certificate expiry date for tighter control of on-site inventory; Specific inventory related reports and alerts, including cylinders nearing their expiry date to enable quick and easy reordering and ensure compliance with quality audit requirements; Downloadable Certificates of Analysis to quickly replace any lost items – no last minute panics before an audit!
Downloadable Safety Data Sheets, ensuring that you keep on top of our safety obligations; Real-time tracking of current orders to keep you in control of your gas supply; Historical order information for easy recall of previously ordered items.
Account status, including overdue invoice information and Instant export to Excel for easy data manipulation.