Photo Ionisation Detector Plus (PID-Plus)

Leading instrumentation specialist Quantitech (UK) will feature two new technologies at the Counter Terror Expo 2011 that promise to radically improve the detection of drugs, explosives and other harmful or toxic chemicals. The Gasmet DX4030 multi-gas analyser and the TeknoScan TSI-3000 banned substance trace detection system will be demonstrated on Stand O20 at the event held at London Olympia on the 19th & 20th of April.

The DX4030 is able to detect and quantify almost any gas and is therefore ideal for the investigation of cargo safety, emergency response or fire investigation. As the world’s first truly portable FTIR multicomponent gas analyser, it enables operators to measure multiple components simultaneously, including Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs), Chemical Warfare Agents (CWAs) and other potentially harmful substances.

Also on show at Counter Terror 2011, the TeknoScan TSI-3000 is a highly sensitive and selective portable system for detecting banned substances. Capable of simultaneously detecting target substances from a library of up to 50 separate compounds, it provides complete analysis of samples in three minutes or less.
Crucially, this technology does not rely on vaporised samples and includes advanced sampling tools that make it possible to test almost any container, vehicle or package.

Explaining the benefits of the instrumentation within the counter terror sector, Quantitech’s Dr Andrew Hobson said: “The DX4030 portable analyser is able to measure almost anything, providing fast measurements for customs inspectors and freight organisations.

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