Reliable Turnkey Gas Emission Monitoring System

The Geotech GA3000 static biogas analyser for anaerobic digestion (AD) biogas, and landfill gas monitoring suits tight-budget demand with top-quality design, components and engineering.

Strong interest in the GA3000 is in its application for waste food AD, wastewater sludge AD and landfill gas extraction. This followed its launch in the second half of 2010. Recent customer references are very positive, for example, from AFS Coventry with Landfill Gas to Cash is Helped by Geotech Static Gas Analyser, and from Landfill Systems where Geotech Static Gas Analyser Reliability Pays

A short video introduces the GA3000 at: Continuous, Fixed-position Biogas / Methane Analysis, Monitoring & Measurement

The GA3000, the latest biogas analyser from Geotech, uses the company’s robust, field-proven technology to bring low-cost to automated fixed-position monitoring of methane-rich biogas.

Easy Operator Installation & Commissioning
Easily operator installed, user field-calibrated and zeroed, the compact, self-contained, single-cabinet GA3000 has gas conditioning as standard. It continuously analyses CH4, CO2, O2 and optionally, H2S at 0-5000ppm. They are measured, at user-set timings, and supply data via three or four, 4-20mA local outputs. Users also set alarm levels and can see screen-displayed readings on a large, clear, backlit display.

AD is increasingly being used in waste processing and biogas production to recycle food and farm waste, avoid landfill and generate biogas and energy from waste. These AD installations, large and small, need continuous gas analysis to optimise AD, maximise output and ensure safety and compliance with environmental guidelines and legislation.

This modern robust, reliable and cost-effective GA3000 system provides continuous and accurate sampling of methane, carbon dioxide and oxygen from a single sample point. Hydrogen sulphide sampling is a GA3000 option. User field calibration of the analyser and exchange of the optional hydrogen sulphide (H2S) sensor reduce operational costs.

With no training required and engineered for low ownership cost, this ISO 17025 calibration accredited unit is designed for quick and easy self-installation in any country, worldwide. User relocation of the GA3000 is just as easy. With gas conditioning included as standard, to ensure top quality gas analysis, the user-replaceable H2S sensor and analyser ‘Hot Swap’ capability offers zero downtime.

The GA3000 adds to Geotech’s static gas analysis range which includes the current Automated Extraction Monitoring System (AEMS) that has more extensive application options with, for example, multiple sampling points, data inputs and 4-20mA local data outputs, Profibus and Modbus comms. options, Ethernet and Internet connectivity, data logging and transfer. For applications not requiring the extensive capability of Geotech AEMS, the GA3000 now delivers exactly what many users need at the very attractive package price they want – available on application.


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